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Monday, April 26, 2010

Rain Barrels!!

We now have three AWESOME rain barrels in the garden! I'll post pix soon! Two hold 50 gallons and one holds 156 gallons! They fill up so quickly because the rain just pours in off the roof. One of the most frustrating parts of gardening here is never knowing if we are going to have a dry summer or not. Keeping my garden alive and looking great requires a lot of water, which causes huge water bills every summer. I've even started adding my cooking water (unsalted/seasoned) to the rain barrels. If the water is good enough for a bag of pasta, it's good enough for my plants! Just hold the salt! Next on the menu... laying new soaker hoses and marking them so I don't lose the end! 


  1. Could it be a Nelly Moser clematis?

  2. Maybe! It looks similar to one of yours. Your clematis are AMAZING!

  3. Insert dirty clematis joke here.

  4. I've been waiting for that response....!!!


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