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Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Anti-Resolution Post

Just to let you know up front, I'm not a resolution maker. New Years Eve at my house varies from going to bed early with a good book to staying up late with friends who shout hysterically inappropriate responses to all board games involving verbal answers. Absolutely no thought is given as to how I will reprimand myself the following day. As for resolutions, I don't see the point in making them all at once and then using them to govern myself the rest of the year. My resolutions are made on the fly as I do something stupid, realize it was stupid, and then resolve not to do it again. It's fairly successful.

But this year, I thought that maybe I'd take a break from my normal non-resolution routine to try to make a few that I can actually keep.

1. I resolve to blow my budget less explosively than I did last year.

2. When ever I run into small, pointy objects such as fences, trees, or giant shrubs, I resolve to mumble words that rhyme with ship and truck instead of yelling them.

3. I resolve to only buy 5 or 6 plants I have no room for instead of a dozen or so.

4. But here's one I can keep - to sing and dance more, even if it's done badly, to love and laugh more, even if it surprises people, and to enjoy the sweetness in every day. I resolve to remind the world that kindness shouldn't be random.

5.  That's it.


  1. OMG! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful... you expressed sentiments I would have, laughed at what I would have laughed at, and spoken words I wished I would have said (ie. acts of kindness - I will have to make a post about that since you have inspired me) Have a great New Year! Cheers!

  2. I couldn’t agree more!!
    I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, like you, I resolve things as and when it’s needed, if I can, and if I want to. Most New Year’s resolutions are things you wouldn’t promise to do or not to do the rest of the year anyway, so why do it 1st January – and think you could manage it??

    But I do ‘take stock’ often in late December, and think about what the past year has given me, in positive terms and negative, and I spend a bit time thinking about what I can do differently the next year. Not exactly a New Year’s resolution, just ‘stock taking’. Not blowing my bank overdraft too many times would be a good one, thanks for that tip...not sure if I can follow you on the one about not buying plants you haven’t got room for…I am bad there...but you get my point!
    I hope you have a lovely New Year’s Eve and I wish you all the best for 2013.
    Take care, Helene.


    1. I think I need a corporate sponsor to pay for all my gardening. I'm game as long as I don't have to put up any tacky ads. I tend to get a bit reflective in the winter, too. My wish list for this spring is pretty short and I'm hoping to keep it that way, unless a sponsor shows up. ;o)

  3. You're awesome! Happy New Year, Tammy. So glad to have you here in the blogosphere :) You always, always bring a smile and I find I'm often shaking my head in agreement with your posts ... I hope to be right there with you on #4 :)


    1. Hooray! When people mention 'Random Acts of Kindness' it bugs me. At what point did kindness become something to be doled out randomly, if at all? It's a very Dickensian thought. "Please, sir, I want some more!"

  4. Number 4 is really sweet. I don't make New Year's resolutions but I pick a word for the year. For 2011 I chose Shine and for 2012 I chose Listen. I haven't come up with a word for 2013 yet.


    1. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you pick. I like the idea of using a word as a yearly touchstone. I think it helps keep us focused. Happy New Year, Terra!

  5. I too gave up making New Year's resolutions several years ago. I love your take on it! I agree that everyone needs to embrace #4. Tammy, you have made me laugh often and I enjoy your approach to your posts and sense of humor. I look forward to many more in 2013. Cheers!


    1. Aww! Thanks! I think last year I resolved not to lose my Felco's again. So far, so good! Cheers to you, too!

  6. Perfect! I'm kind of the same way with resolutions and New Year's Eve. My hubby and I generally spend NYE at home with fondue and a bit of champagne--to avoid the dangers of traveling that night. Thanks for the fun post. And I wish you much joy and happiness in 2013!


    1. When we do go out it's either early in the evening or it's to a friend within walking distance. But champagne and fondue sound tasty! Happy New Year to you, too!

  7. My resolution is to accept that I'm an awful person with no redeeming value and to stop trying to change that, a futile exercise which makes as much sense as trying to teach a pig to sing. Why exert the effort to change my base nature? There, I feel much better. May 2013 by your happiest year ever!


    1. This is hysterical because there is no conceivable way it's true! Happy New Year to my favorite outlaw!!

  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 to this cute doggie !

  9. Good Luck in only buying six plants you have no room for. LOL! That's a tough one!
    Happy New Year and thanks for keeping me smiling through 2012 x


    1. You're welcome! It will be interesting to see how quickly I blow all of these resolutions! Except for the last one - I can keep that one! Of course, all my singing and dancing is done badly so that one was a no-brainer. :o) Happy New Year, Pj Girl!

  10. GREAT resolutions!!!
    Now I'll adopt these so I don't have to come up with any of my own.
    I'm looking forward to 2013 with you.
    Happy New Year!!


    1. I love that approach! All resolutions are free to whoever wants them! Happy New Year to you, too!

  11. A lovely fun post! Wish you, your family and dog a healthy and good gardening year in 2013!


    1. Thanks, Janneke. They've already started celebrating by digging a new hole in my grass. :o)

  12. A list you can live with, if not abide by. I like it. No resolutions here. As for celebrating New Year's Eve with all-night parties, we never do, knowing such celebrations are for amateurs. Humbug! Happy Happy!


    1. I was supposed to go to a friends party but will be home instead with antibiotics and a sinus infection. I'll start the new year enjoying the benefits of modern medicine. I'll take my soup and Z pack straight up, sir! :o)

  13. May all your resolutions come to pass! You know that the plants in your garden are making resolutions too, don't you? And that some of them will conflict with what the gardener is hoping for in 2013? Happy New Year anyway!


    1. I have no doubt they're conspiring against me as I write. :o) Mother Nature's probably warming up her paddle for whatever butt whupping she has planned for me. I'm ready!

  14. Great resolutions! Except for #2. Go ahead and yell those words out, I do it proudly! :) Looking forward to reading more in 2013. Happy New Year!!


    1. LOL!! I'm sure my neighbors have gotten an earful on occasion! Happy New Year to you, too! :o)


  15. Actually, that's just a picture I found online. :o) It was just a good way to demonstrate my clumsiness. Happy New Year to you, too!

  16. Nothing like no resolutions. :) I like your examples. I pretty much like to just go with the flow and see where things take me now.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  17. Okay the first three don't matter but number four is BIG so focus on that one.
    (I will too.) xo L


    1. I agree! I'm guaranteed to blow the first three but 4 is a keeper. :o)

  18. I'm not a big resolution maker, it's more hype to me then anything else...

    So I love that you are doing it your way also.

    Um...#3 I have more room then plants now, so just have to find money in the budget for them, lol.

    Happy New Year.



    1. Having more room for plants is never a bad thing! Maybe your local native plant society or garden club will hold a plant sale/swap.

  19. No resolutions here either, like you, if something needs changing I change it. But like so many have pointed out, I do a lot of reflecting at this time of year. maybe because there's more time to sit inside and reflect? I like your point about kindness not being random, it should be a daily common courtesy extended to all. so sad that it's become otherwise.


    1. I can only imagine what an amazing world we would live in if everyone were nice to each other. :o)

  20. Thank you for another funny post :). Happy New Year, Tammy!

  21. Happy New Year :-). I like your number 4. I also have to follow it religiously as I have a habit of getting into despair and minor depression, especially now with my mother gone. Perhaps you should start a blog contest/mime using #4 as the theme and garden :-), and we can participate and remind ourselves of #4 :-).

    What's the meaning of that picture on the right - "I am not crazy, my mother got me tested", if you don't mind answering please.


    1. It's from the show Big Bang Theory, an hysterical sitcom about 3 scientists and an engineer. One of the characters, Dr Sheldon Cooper, is a physicist who often uses that line. Big Bang Theory is one of my favorite shows. :o) Happy New Year to you, too!

  22. I have done well with a few resolutions over the years like "eat more chocolate" and "talk to my imaginary friend more" but have to work on "take more naps". As for No 4, I have started smiling at everyone. Great big welcoming, aren't you wonderful smiles. Some people look like they want to run away but most often people light up.


    1. That's so awesome! I think people expect to not be smiled at so it tends to catch people off guard. I think your resolutions are fabulous. I eat chocolate daily. :o)

  23. That post was so much fun. I had to laugh at "ship and truck." I should learn to say those too. Happy, Happy New Year. Here's to a great 2013.

  24. Here's to keeping resolution #4! (We all know 1, 2, and 3 are hopeless! ;0) I hope you have a fabulous year!


    1. I'm positive I will break all of these except #4. Happy New Year to you, too!

  25. Happy New Year! I don't make resolutions either, but I definitely agree with #4. No point in even pretending about the first three. May your garden prosper in 2013!

  26. There are some quite profound ideas mixed in with the funny ones in this post. We often do try to "govern" ourselves with goals and resolutions, don't we? Perhaps society lays a pathway in this general direction when it imposes rules and laws of behaviour. "Kindness shouldn't be random"- I like that thought!
    I haven't given a thought to any resolutions. I must put my mind to it....

    1. I think people struggle with resolutions because we see them as something we either keep or don't keep. We give ourselves such polarized expectations that we forget about any progress that's been made along the way. But being kind is free and easy so it's simple to do. :o)

  27. I especially love the last one! All the best for you and your garden in 2013. :)


    1. Thanks! Happy New Year to you, too! I'll take some of your snow! :o)

  28. I'm not much for resolutions but here's wishing you and yours a great New Year and may you be able to keep your resolutions! : )


    1. I'm pretty sure I'll blow the top 3. It's just to what degree they are broken that I measure success. :o)

  29. I'm with you on no resolutions! I just try to do things a little bit smarter than last year. But I like your resolutions and might adopt all of them for myself this year, especially #4!

  30. Tammy, you're right: kindness shouldn't be random! This resolution will come true, I think.

  31. #3 is so me. Starting a new bed for all the plants I buy would be smart, but WAY too much work. Happy New Year!

  32. I love reading your posts Tammy, what a riot. Mumbling instead of yelling?? hmmmm, perhaps. hahaa

  33. Love it, though I find yelling far more theraputic than mumbling... Good luck with the plants - seems a stretch, but we all need ambitions in life ;-)


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