Meet TS and Come See the Rest of the Garden...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Underwater Gardening

 This might be the last post from Casa Mariposa, as we know it. According to local news agencies and the National Weather service, Hurricane Sandy will be making landfall on Monday and my area will be taking a direct hit.

Dubbed a "Frankenstorm", it has the potential to cause massive power outages, snap trees, and flood my basement. I'm armed with flashlights, water, and a homemade carrot cake made from my purple carrots.

My garden may look quite different in my next post.

Fortunately, reel mowers and shrub clippers all work underwater. I guess I won't need sunscreen anymore but shark repellent might be a wise investment.

Note to Self: Do not water the garden. Mother Nature will be doing it for you!


  1. Hope this storm is not as severe as it is being predicted..... stay safe.

  2. Water, we cant cope with too much or too little.....

  3. Oh my gosh Tammy, I really hope it bypasses you. Hurricanes are destructive things, I hope you and your family will be ok.

  4. Hope your impact is light Tammy. Having dealt with a number of storms while living in VA, I feel your stress level. Have a daughter in NJ now, worried about her as well.

  5. I hope you weather the storm with no damage! Better yet, I hope that the storm fizzles out before it has a chance to hit you. Good luck!

  6. You still have your sense of humor! I've been thinking about all of you wonderful gardeners on and near the East Coast. Gosh--what a mess! I hope it's not as bad as the forecasters are saying. Take care!

  7. Tammy, I hope that the storm will bypass your garden and the city.
    Course the carrot cake is delicious but it is better to eat it at the table and not under water.

  8. Hope things don't get too bad for you but it sure sounds like something most of us haven't seen before. I am on the edge of it but expect there won't be a lot of destruction left by the time it gets over here.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  9. O, I hope this hurricane is not that severe, I should be frightened, but you have still humor.
    I came along your blog and have read a lot of it already. I like it and are going to follow you.
    I hope you all stay safe!

  10. I think being armed with homemade carrot cake is just the ticket to surviving the storm. Thinking of you and hope that it isn't as severe as they are predicting!

  11. Tammy, I hope that you and family will be okay and that you will not be subjected to the full impact from Frankenstorm Sandy.
    You are quite the optimist filled with lots of humour in such a serious made me laugh.
    Hang in there, we will be here to bail you out when it's all over....take care.

  12. Stay safe! The bright spot in this monster storm is that most of us have bought our Halloween candy already, and will have plenty to eat when the lights go out and the heat goes off. And you will have your carrot cake!

  13. Stay safe and I hope your garden comes through fine. Looks like it might be going a bit north of you now.

    We lived in Northern Virginia back when Isabel hit in 2003, what a mess. We were only without power for a few hours but many of our neighbors lost power for almost two weeks.

  14. Well, here's hoping there's some good gardening after Sandy. All the best, Tammy.

  15. Hello. I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award.

  16. Fingers crossed for you and everyone in the path. Let's hope they are wrong or at least off in their calculations (in a good way). We live on the Gulf Coast and understand all too well the worry before and of course the aftermath. Hang in there!


  17. Thanks for all the support! Once the storm passes, I'll post a follow up. To everyone in Sandy's path, be safe and be prepared!

  18. Please don't say it will be the last post... just take a little break. I have been thinking about you all weekend. Please be safe. I think the carrot cake is the best thing for a situation like this.

  19. Be safe, best wishes and a few well-placed words to the BIG GUY upstairs. Let's hope "H.Sandy" loses some of her chutzpah before she gets near you. BTW, great post! You have quite a perspective on things, and find the best media to share it with your readers... :)

    [I agree with Tufa Girl - any well-appointed emergency kit should absolutely, positively have home-grown, homemade carrot cake! GOOD call!]

  20. Ever optimistic - See you on the other side of the storm.

  21. Keeping my fingers crossed - for both of us. Been raining now since Friday midnight and no end in sight. I hope you will be safe and dry and don't sustain any terrible damage. I wish I had an Enterprise force field...


  22. I'll keep blogging, regardless of what Monday and Tuesday bring! I'm focusing on how well watered my garden will be and the extra time I'll have to catch up on my grading since the local schools are closed. My family and I are planning on spending Monday/Tuesday playing board games and eating the rest of the cake. Even if life gets crappy between the now and the then, ultimately, all will be well. :o)

  23. Who needs bread when you've got carrot cake?

    It looks like the forecast has shifted further north in the last 24 hours.

  24. I am wondering what Sandy will bring to our area also. We also did a lot of preparation: extra water, canned food, batteries, and put stuff in the basement on two by fours. Loved the images in your post! Stay safe.

  25. My heart goes out to you, and I can only add my prayers to the others and hope that everything turns out fine in the end. You have a wonderful attitude.

    Take good care of yourself, a garden can be replaced, but you cannot.


  26. Tammy I've been thinking about you and everyone in the path of this storm. I pray you all are safe and that the worst thing that happens is you run out of carrot cake but as Laurrie said, you'll still have the Halloween candy! Seriously, you'll be in my prayers. As always you have the best attitude about the whole thing which is an inspiration for how to handle the worst that natures throws at us.

  27. Does carrot cake float? At least you have the best defence in the face of doom and gloom- a sense of humour. That will see you through just about anything. Where ever did you find that picture of the underwater gardeners? It is hysterical. Take care. I hope the storm is not as bad as predicted.

  28. You have such a wonderful sense of humour, love the photos and comments! Stay safe :)

  29. If the lights go out try not to get your torch and cake mixed up! Take care and keep us posted x

  30. HAHA! Glad you're keeping your sense of humor about this. We're almost halfway through it--How are you doing? Keeping your family in my prayers...


  31. We watched Grease so we could sing about Sandy. :o) The strongest winds are on their way so tonight should be interesting. How's everything at your place?

  32. Stay safe. I do admire your attitude. (No worries about carrot cake floating - enjoy EATing it!) Do purple carrots make a 'red velvet' cake?

  33. Love your lighthearted take on this serious subject! :) Stay safe.

  34. Take care Tammy and best of luck! This storm looks like a real doozy. by the way, the carrot cake as emergency rations was a truly inspired idea.

  35. I love your hilarious take on a potentially serious predicament. Hope things will turn out fine, God bless.

  36. Stay safe. As others have said, you have a great attitude.

  37. Hope it's not too bad for you. My family in NOLA didn't have electricity for a while after Isaac. Sending you lots of warm thoughts.


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