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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bumblebee on the Bleeding Heart

I noticed this bumbebee desperately trying to find some pollen in the old fashioned bleeding heart flowers Thursday night. I'm not sure how succesful it was. I didn't notice any pollen on its legs and it seemed pretty cranky! Have you ever seen bees on dicentra (bleeding heart)?


  1. I've notice the insects seem quite aggressive in their search for pollen this cool spring, zone 6. Had a carpenter bee talk to me face to face, fortunately I had a water hose on to move him on down the way.

  2. I have to admit I haven't noticed them on Dicentra, but I can see why they would be attracted to it!

  3. That is a great shot. I have seen them all the way in the bloom...sometimes it seems as if they are sleeping in there.

  4. I noticed the same early yesterday. I saw a big bumblebee with no pollen. Very few plants that they visit are blooming and she was trying to get pollen from my pear that does not have any flowers showing. She was a week too early.

  5. I have not seen any bubble bees yet. Regular honey bees o'plenty. This crazy windy weather, they may be hunkered down somewhere.

  6. I can't say that I've noticed bees on the bleeding hearts but I would imagine the bee is getting something from the flowers. It sure is a furry bumble!

  7. What a great capture.Your dicentra is such a sweet colour. I have a red one which is quite leggy.
    I've just started a new meme...wonder if you noticed the label in my side bar. Do come and join in the fun. The meme is MISSION QUITE POSSIBLE.

  8. Although there are no bees out here at the moment that I know of I've definitely seen them in the bleeding hearts in past years. Not sure if they get much pollen from them but they crawl right inside the hearts.


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